Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Steve bought me a racing experience for Christmas and what with all the traumas over the first 6 months of this year, I hadn't had time to use it. But finally got there last week. I selected an Aston martin vantage V8, not the fastest car there on stats, but always wanted one, and all I have to do now is win the lottery. Its a fairly heavy car as the aluminium body has lead in the doors - bullet proof??!!! I was instructed to be assertive on the controls, which Pete laughed at as he thinks I drive to quick anyway!... But got in the swing of it, picked my line and last minute break into the bend, I loved it. The instructor said he had a few more grey hairs but thought i did well, I tried to get on a retraining course to be a racing driver, I was really excited..... THEN they put me in the new 2013 Ariel atom which is only about 0.65 seconds slower than a F1 apparently.... I am cured of wanting to be a racing driver. My instructor said how well I had done and that I showed promise...I showed no promise as my racing driver took off, the G force on my chest was making it difficult to catch a breath. As he screamed and I mean screamed into the first corner, I honestly thought he wasn't going to get round it or the next few laps!!  he took no prisoners and I have never ever experienced anything like it in my life. I was petrified, I can honestly say, nothing compares to that car, my legs were shaking for quite some time after getting out!! I think I will leave the racing to spectating and eating hot dogs!! and let the mad pros stick to it.

1 comment:

jean said...

well becoming a racing driver is off your to do list then! but a great experience