Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Its been like Barbados here for a few weeks, great love it, cant sit in it as I get bored and hot, but love kayaking and climbing the cliffs or walking the dogs, so long as there is a breeze!...Not so keen on working in it as we have had to do unfortunately, I did try to persuade Pete to sack me but to no avail! Thought I had better take some pictures of the place before it goes brown and crispy and I loose my flowers! My tomatoes are looking a bit sorry for themselves but other than that not too bad.... Oh except some thieving little toe rag stole all my gooseberries every last one of them, the bush was laden with them, I went to pick them and not one on there, might have to get the CCTV on the go....I love gooseberry jam too!! They better hope I don't catch them!

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