Monday, 30 July 2012


After longing for some sun and then waiting until mum was well enough to come out after her operation, we finally had a very last minute BBQ, bring a steak and cook night we had. It was great, we cooked on the skillets and lit the bid fire pit a couple of hours early and banked it up with logs ready to cook a little later. You can see my photos I have the magician in the making, studying like harry potter there, or he prefers to be likened to Dynamo!....The hungry caterpillar that if she keeps still enough no one will notice she is there and wont ask her to help!...The three stooges, the cast from fraggle rock! (for those old enough to remember fraggle rock it was actually filmed across the mater from St.Mawes at a place called Place, see I am a mind of useless information! Cant remember date or year or my name on many occasions but I can remember fraggle rock, just about says it all really!.. Oh and then there is the Muppet's, I will leave you with those dilemma's and see if you can match the pictures to the descriptions!...might get a few emails about that one  ha ha

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