Thursday, 19 July 2012


You know what I still can't figure out why I can't be a cat!!. Seriously they have the life of riley here. Just as I returned home from a manic few meetings, with shopping in one hand for the evening meal, whilst trying to balance Sassy (another cat) on my shoulders, keys in one hand, arse of a cat in the other whining for food. Then just as you think you have managed to negotiate the front gate open the back door, balance cat on head, and hold on to shopping the phone rings in that manic tone, that has only yourself to blame, you probably set it on on of those nights in or over a glass of wine and thought how funny would that be....Well when it goes off ...not so funny now is it, and it goes on and on and on... So drop shopping and keys luckily not in drain, open door, find phone and the ruddy thing stops... then the whole performance starts again. when I finally get to phone its Steven asking whats for tea???!!!! TEA, its only 11.45am! So as you can see when I saw Smurf another of our cats lounging about in the sun like he is king cat or something, almost leaning back and asking for grapes, not a worry, debt, work or kids uni fee in sight.... I really wish I were a cat!! How was your day??? Just wondering....

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