Monday, 17 October 2011


The first slab of the car port was laid on Friday, the first stage of that area, we have a long way to go but this was a great place to get to after the first week, and it was a hectic one. Luckily Pete timed it right and was back from his meeting just in time to lay the concrete, he seems to always come in at the end, glory hunter!! only kidding he works hard too, but he is mostly in the office during the week, and tries to time it right to help when we need an extra pair of hands and I am out with Andy and Ant most days working and then weekends Pete works all hours outside, to do the heavy work to try to get ahead, I try to get my office work in at nights really.... Today we have been working hard putting in a sole plate for the main internal load bearing wall, the ground is falling away so its quite a complicated structure, although when people see it finished they wont realise this...SO I AM TELLING YOU!! its hard work ha ha....

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