Thursday, 15 April 2010


Hes not really an enemy but thats not what the ducks were flapping about. the very sight of a fox sends them into a frenzy and usually we would chase a fox away if we saw one. Firstly to protect our chickens and ducks and secondly to protect the dogs from disease....But when we saw what the ducks were making all the fuss about we couldn't bring our selves not to try to help. A small helpless fox curled up by the ducks, he had no external injuries but it was clear there may have been internal injuries. We rang the RSPCA to try to catch him but they wouldn't come out unless we contained him. They told us to feed him and try to make contact and if we could get him they would come out. Well we took him down food and water and tried not to disturb him or frighten him any more than was necessary. If he ate we knew we could possibly save him. But after a few hours...quite a few hours! we lost him, but at least we tried....poor Mr Fox...mid you the ducks were quite relieved!

1 comment:

jean said...

poor fox looks like he would not harm anything, so at least the ducks etc were pleased that he is not still around ...