Thursday, 29 April 2010


The first day of rain in nearly 3 weeks I think...I was only saying to Pete earlier that the dogs have been good lately and not escaped, I think I have filled all the holes.... THEN they went missing, so I searched for them only to wish I hadn't found them!... They had been off playing in the Peat bogs and I could recognise them by colour they were all black, no clean parts at all, and Peat matts the fur so they were and still are matted, I wont be able to get the knots out, they will have to grow covered in brambles. I tried to catch them to hose them down, that just resulted in me running around like a loony getting really hacked off with them, they thought it was a game and were umping up at me I was plastered, wet and cold....and guess what...yeap Pete isnt here yet again!...They found their way into the kitchen/conservatory before I could stop them and shook about 7ft up the walls and splattered everything in site with mud...I think I am just going to let them continue and dry out and then sort it...I don't know what else to do...Meanwhile I climbed up the bramble hedge, getting more wet ad cold and tangled to repair the hole they got through, after de-tangling the pig netting and stapling it to the tree I tried and failed miserably to get back down off the hedge....So after a few bruises completely wet and bedraggled, makeup running down my face and hammer in hand I thought I looked ready for a night out!!!!....What a day, and I need to be clean here tomorrow as I have people coming.....OH my...just get the people in white coats to come now and be done with it!!!

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