Thursday, 15 April 2010


As you might be aware we think Smartie our cat is pregnant and possibly due the end of we like to be prepared for such eventualities we decided to look up on the Internet to see what we need to do, it suggested having a warm dark safe place in case they wanted to snuggle up and feel safe to give birth...I have a sneaky feeling Smartie will do this on the cream bedroom carpet but hey we got to try haven't we.....So Laura and I hatched a plan, we have a large dog crate which we could use but the bars look not too happy,....we laid shredded newspaper and a blanket on the floor and then sewed blankets to the entire inside of the crate so it looks really warm and comfy not a bar in sight! But to do this someone had to hold the blankets up from the inside and as I don't really bend and if I do I cant un bend! it was Laura who had to go in the dog crate....I don't think she was too impressed!!! But its all ready now and Smartie has an option of a very cute blanket cave!...I'll keep you posted!

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