Monday, 15 December 2008


Steven played in a Golf Competition in Southampton Under 14s (and hes only 12...he was up against some very talented competition) at the weekend and won, which means he will now play in the final which will be held in Portugal in October 09.....Yiiipppeee, the only chance of a holiday, so Me and Laura jumped at the chance to go and watch and support him!....Lets just hope those hostages, Tractor Annie, Mum and Dad agree to look after the animals and cottages....might have to get help in!!!!... Tim brother has offered....he may regret this!!!!Let see what October brings! Gem did her hair especially to celebrate...I think she thinks shes a PAP now,,,,,thats a golfers Pets and Pooches!!!! he's too young to have a WAG!

1 comment:

jean said...

great golfing steven wow going to portugal next year. going to be another busy year!