Friday, 12 December 2008


Oscar... our pure bred Welsh Hunky Boar is soooo sick. We have been down there until now with him. Over the last couple of days, he has been a little lethargic, nothing to put you finger on, just Oscar in his ways. We thought he was just being Oscar,as he can be a little temperamental and attention seeking, so we thought a cuddle and he would be fine...But woke up this morning to find him in pain and lame. We tried for 2 hours to move him into the sty, where we could look at him and see what was going on. He was growling and shouting, but we had to get him in. Finally managed it. Martin the vet was on his way, and just turned up as we got Oscar in to the sty with some warm fresh straw. Martin took one look and knew he was real sick, but it seemed so sudden, from yesterday being a bit slow but eating and ok really to this. He couldn't weight bear, but nothing was in his feet and the shape was good. He had a huge injection of antibiotic and we thought over the course of the day he would get better...just a little. But after sitting with him and stroking him and then hand feeding and watering him, it became apparent he, was getting worse. I will speak to Martin in the morning again and see what we are to do, I just hope he goes ok over night. We think it maybe a virus that is carried in soil, not passed from pig to pig, rather soil to pig...luckily no other animals here will be affected...I think the only other animal it affects is sheep. It attacks the joints and can get into the organs, heart etc. and cause blood poisoning and we could loose him. He is such a lovable guy and a real character. To get another like him would be impossible and at present doesn't bear thinking about....what a day....not going to sleep tonight, wish I could bring Oscar up here...but cant move him and believe you me, he would be up in our conservatory with the heater on it I could!!!. Bubs is missing him, Oscar is her knight in shining armour. Protecting her from Rosie and Daisy. They normally cuddle up together, but are in separate sty's tonight.


jean said...

oh no I do hope oscar will pull through animals are such a big part of the life at woodmill so fingers crossed he will get better.

Jo said...

I've had a couple of crooks pigs this year and it's terrifying. Fingers crossed for the boy - I hope he pulls through and is back posing for photos in no time.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys, I hope all will be well, but he is real sick at the mo.Keep you posted XX