Sunday, 14 December 2008


Well Saturday wasn't any better than yesterday with Oscar. He slept all day and didn't get up to feed. The vet gave me some antibiotic paste to give to him, in his fav food, but not even that caused a stir. I got the vet out, I was really worried, he injected him with enough antibiotic for a mammoth!!! and pain killer. He didn't appear to improve at at. But late morning today (Sunday) he got to his feed to feed, albeit very wobbly and not very comfortable, he was on his feet for about 4 mins, so that's got to be some improvement. Tomorrow, Martin will come out and assess him, we just haven't been able to pull him about, as he has just been too sick. But hopefully tomorrow we can get a better look.... The other worrying thing is, I went down to feed Rosie and Daisy and their front shoulders were quivering. I have never known them cold?... It just makes me think they too are sick, I will mention to Martin tomorrow, maybe I am wrong..lets hope so. Oscar is sleeping with Bubs tonight, she misses him and I think he will pick up with company. Rosie and Daisy are in the other sty....I need to build more and bigger I think. I was thinking about putting the heat lamp on for them, but this may hinder rather than help...Wait till tomorrow and see I guess. What a worry, and with so much going on here at the mo, we really could do without it.

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