Monday, 9 December 2013


We probably have no idea as a typical night for us is working late then just as we are about to site down the cats decide its play time and come through the cat flap like there is a war outside… when intact it is only the tom…. probably the dad to all of them, he is quite prolific!! then the rugby tackle mouse game commences, they are quick little things, its the little ones I dislike they have jaws of doom on them and once they got you there is no getting away. The ones that make me laugh are the proper little mouse ones with big ears, they sit up on their back legs and rub their hands together, as if to ask for some cheese, they are friendly little fellows, but have a habit of climbing up the curtain!….so thats the sport over with then its not long before bed , work and it all starts again, in between pack lunches, sorting out homework, clothes, kids cars etc etc normal kinda stuff! sometimes we can have a whole day of jobs and issues before the real word even awakes, sometimes by 8am we have had another day! ha ha

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