Thursday, 12 December 2013


I was so lucky to peep in and see Santa making his list for Xmas, I am sooo excited Santa and reindeers now thats something eh!, his reindeer's were parked up at Eden… probably parked is the wrong phrase! but they were quite happy and ready and waiting for the big day. We also listened to the kids stories read by a great story teller and a really good jazz band playing in the biomes. There was ice skating and food and a lantern procession. Great place to visit if you are down this way or live here! See there I go again, great to live here eh!… We walked up in the light and attempted to walk back in the pitch black…not recommended! we ended up in hedges and all sorts couldn't see a thing as there are no street lights , Pete had the only small torch and he seemed to think it was good to look up in the trees or over in the field, but never in front of us!!! cheers Pete!

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