Tuesday, 5 November 2013


After being awoke by a monster running over my bed…well it was smart chasing a mouse…This was 4am and the mouse was squeaking so thought better save it, Pete and I in our PJ's were rugby tackling a 2 inch mouse that had jaws of doom trying to rescue it.. I am not sure he was that grateful by the look of the chunks it was trying to take out of our hands. Finally last ditch attempt by Pete he did an ace slide tackle into the wardrobe and secured the mouse and put it out side. We hadn't spoke to each other until then… we just assumed positions and went to war on the mouse, like clockwork!!… Then back to bed for a long sleep all until 5.30am when the alarm of "the Muppet's" went off, I had forgotten to change the time to our lie in of 6.30am… so got up and thought better get on… filled up petrol in Steve's car, helped Laura into her toga for teaching Romans at school, packed them both off to school to teach and college to learn it was now 7.30am, fed animals, put horses back in field they were supposed to be in after an escape…., fed us, walked the dogs and then to post office to get the euros for our short break, posted the multitude of letters for work, and somewhere between the post office and the car only 5 yards, someone must have seen me drop my euros and instead of saying "excuse me I think you have dropped something" they thought B***** it Ill nick what she has dropped cause I couldn't give a monkey about anyone…. and they stole my euros right under my nose but i didn't realise until i got to the bank… so i spent the next few hours trying to find any CCTV to see who it was in the bank and post office with no avail, then a visit to the police station to report it…. then went to pay Steve's dental bill, which I could have bought Simon cowells gnashers the price of that… thought not a good day had a massive cream bun to cheer me up….so the one break we thought we could have after not the best year... with no trauma someone messes that up,,, have to work another week to get that back..… why are some people so horrid, the amount of things I have handed in and given back the shop keeper of the wrong change as someone will have to pay out of their wages…. but when I need the same …it doesn't happen…..Then on to do the shopping, back to unload, had 45 mins to unload, peel all the veg for tea prepare the meat and chuck it …oh sorry place it nicely! in the oven in the hopeful event the timer will work this time and cook my tea as mum and Aaron were coming for tea, ran out the door to a meeting, saw some clients, appeared calm and unfazed if only they knew…. back to rescue tea from oven, fed all, washing , drying, dishes, pack lunches, sort work for next day, checked bookings, finally sat down at 10.30pm…. We will be very glad of a couple of days break! Well thats half of it

1 comment:

jean said...

what a horrible day don't worry whoever stole the euros bad karma will come to them