Wednesday, 12 June 2013


This was a picture of the end of my day, It started with the tractor not starting to top the field, I fixed it somehow. Then as I was cutting, Lucky got excited chased the goats, which chased the chickens, they made a right racket and lucky thought"game on" so she had one in her mouth, so I did a under 10 sec 100meters, broke my flip flop, fell over, rescued the chicken, shouted at Pete to help, like usual he had selective hearing (and for all you doubters out there, I asked if he heard me he said yes but he was busy!! He said dont put that I the blog! ...big mistake!!!)... so grabbed the dog, limped back to the office shut the dog in the office, got back on the tractor, started to cut and someone let the dog out,...kevin the cockerel was right in line for chasing, so as I shouted NOOOOO like in the cartoon fashion, I broke the other ruddy flip was then shoeless, as only have one pair of working flip flops,, had to wear petes which are 4 sizes to big and I had to walk like a mental case... which of course I am not.... Then Keith and Myrna said they had lost a chain down the decking, so we got a bit of wire to try to get it out, but to no avail, we had to lift the decking plank to reach it, see if you hang around here too long you end up like us.... Picture of Keith trying to retrieve the chain well thats what he said, I am sure Myrna didnt say "I bought a big driftwood lamp and it cost £300!", which caused him to go to the ground! ha ha at least we found it eh!


Keith said...

I like the latest blog entry!but who,s the good looking chap having a sleep?!!!

Unknown said...

He's our famous top model that holidays here, but ssshhh dont tell everyone!

jean said...

sounds as if you are all letting the sun go to your heads..