Friday, 30 November 2012


Seeings as it is quite late in the day for a Xmas tree we thought we had better get our skates on ha ha... SO before Laura went back to uni we went and nabbed a tree, we were going to put Laura through the netter and put it on U TUBE but didnt have time, so Ill be doing that next time she is home ha ha... She is back next week for an interview at Marjons so maybe after the interview or she might not get the position!!!!!.. We now have all the inside decorations up and it looks quite colourful! we have a real tree upstairs in the lounge and a fake one in the hall as that has under floor heating.... the cats seem to lying all over the decorations, up the trees, draped over the snow men and presents under the tree....I am not sure everything will last until xmas!!!!

1 comment:

jean said...

yourm decorations always look fantastic at woodmill