Sunday, 18 November 2012


As you know we haven't much land any more, but seem to be managing ok, so we thought we would let Storm and Studley into Little Toms garden area as there is lots of grass in there, its only small but a great afternoon snack for no guests in there right now.... So shut the gate to next door, one to stop the dogs going in there, as they like our path between the fields and when their gate is open it is too tempting for the dogs not to go in their old field!... and two because if the ponies decided to bolt they would head straight for next doors very shiny expensive cars, and I am not sure our neighbour would ever forgive us if Studley or Storm raised a leg to them!!! plus I would be mortified I would have to move!!! all was ready, rope across the other end of the movement path .... and yeap they went in a treat, so when it became time to move them back, we did exactly the same, with the gates and rope....piece of cake we thought!!!!!BIG MISTAKE.... they bolted as I first thought they might and ran up the other drive to our house and then down towards the roads, bucking and kicking with laughter all the way (ponies that is not Pete  ha ha)... So finally got a handle of the situation and got them back in the night time field for supper...what a pickle, I was stood guard over the main drive in to stop anyone coming in until the situation was back under control!See its never going to go smooth here, I think we are destined for chaos!

1 comment:

jean said...

we won't be doing that when we are looking after the mill....