Sunday, 7 June 2009


After a little prune and thought we might have killed it!!! Luckily for us the acer looks stunning as per last year, it really sets the colours off. The gooseberries are coming through now and we are hoping for a bumper crop of soft fruits this year, we have loads of giant strawberries and I think the bayberries might be ok this year, red currants just turning ripe and black currants just appearing. We even have blueberries this year and hoping for grapes as the crop failed in all the rain last year. Tomatoes are in thanks to dad as are the onions and potatoes/beetroots etc. Dad and Jeff the garden not a clue with flowers he strims them often!..but hes the best with the veg and allotment...we wouldn't eat much if it wasn't for him...Jeff is the flower and shrub man that keeps us in order of what to do nest with the fruit!We also have the dreaded courgette!....We love them but when you get to the end of the season with them and have done almost everything possibly with them you kind of get a bit sick of them... I might start a recipe book for courgettes......NOW theres a thought!!!!!

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