Monday, 11 March 2013


Its been the worst few months ever, with Dad suddenly being rushed in to hospital with essentially what was bad stomach ache, on 2nd Jan 2013. On the 3rd Jan they found he had acute pancreatitis, a condition not much is known about with no real treatment or cure. He went from fairly young,fit, working and strong having a cuppa to life support and lost his battle on the 2nd Feb 2013. Its been and still is a really tough time for us all. I am hoping the funding we are trying to raise for research  into the condition, with a cure or treatment being the end point will help us get through this. I thought I would try to update the blog and give you all something happy to read. This doesnt mean however I am finding it at all easy!, I think dad will always be here around us, which helps tho. What I did find odd, was that a rainbow appeared suddenly on the 2nd Feb just before I went down to the hospital. When I see a rainbow I think of my nan who left us 7 years ago, I wrote a poem about a rainbow for her, and ever time I see one I think of her. It was strange therefore it appeared the day my dad left this world too?? I very much believe that although your body goes your soul is very much in tact and can watch over us.


jean said...

His spirit will never die it lives in everyone of us forever.

jean said...

His spirit will never die it lives in everyone of us forever.