Saturday, 22 December 2012


I hope you all are OK out there and all your homes are still dry for Xmas, the rain hasn't relented here, and is set for a few more days yet!... We awoke after a lie in until 7am! to what seemed a scene from a movie!... We walked up the road to our old pig entrance gate - (now Justins gate)... we have managed in the past to divert surface water from entering our field which is the only reason we were OK in the last floods, but this time I think it was just too much water..So Pete and I set about trying to make a dam to stop it going into Justin's field and then on to ours, we were there for ages trying to sort it but we needed the key to open the gate....It was early so we waited until 9 to ring next door but no answer so I had to go and ring the bell, ....I am not sure I was really what he wanted to see at his door especially when I told him what was happening, oh well our new neighbours have been well and truly initiated now!... Justin came down to help us, poor guy..rude awakening eh! and we did stem the flow to the fields a lot, so it should have helped, then we went on a nose up the road... the leat was holding our end, but it had breached in a spectacular fashion up the road, our field that has never flooded was under about 5ft of water in the bottom corner and was spilling over the drive...the post and netting you can see here is 4.5 ft under water. What a start to the day, could do without it really... we still had to pack Steve up for his trip to Chelsea, sort part of the house for xmas, fill the feed bins, one of which had floated time to do the rest...walk the dogs on a very quick walk and get over to Pete's mums who is still in hospital to make a bedroom in the lounge, we were like manic removal men. I am aching all over from where I fell down the stairs let alone the day we have had... so thought I would just share these with you before we sit down in a very ungainly heap... Worst thing is we could have been out tonight for a Chinese, but our plans were foiled once again... we are absolutely done in!.... I think Becky next door is aware she too might look as frazzled as me after living at Woodmill, I dont think my feet have touched the floor for 6 years, I am and so is my doctor hoping that I have a very different pace of life for a good while.... I may have to lie for a bit longer!!!... I wonder what adventures are in store for tomorrow....! Oh I nearly forgot in the middle of all this fiasco, I had a call from Jamie our electrician, who advised us that Harold and Hazel (his in laws) had 2 hours to evacuate their caravan on Par beach, due to flooding and could they move in to Little toms, so quickly did a check and made the cottage right for them to arrive...Now warm and secure, so at least they are ok now...

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