My day was as calm and collected as ever, I thought I would just share it with you, as it will probably be much like yours I guess, if its not can you let me know where I am going wrong! It started at 6am with a rude wake up call from my alarm, which has the most hideous ring tone, which is only surpassed by the patter of tiny feet, 16 of them to be precise, two cats and two mice, running around our house like lunatics, so barely awake, we set about rescuing the mice and falling back into bed with a much needed cuppa, as I am supposed to get up gently and calmly in the morning to protect the sugar rush and dizziness, so got that after having a quick cuppa we got up properly at 6.40am to feed the animals, packed lunch for Steve and Pete, washing in, drying out, cats fed, emails De brief and made sure server is ok for days work, then to breakfast at 7.15am...yeah we can do all that in 35 mins, you have to be on your toes but it can be done!... sat down to breakfast and Geoff our 72 year old friend/helper that comes for a few hours a week to help me with the garden arrives at 7.40am in time for his briefing and a cuppa before he starts. Pete changed and collect all the drawings for a meeting in Saunton left at 8am. I then started with Geoff, sorted the dogs out, just about to go through the days work with tim in the office and our guests reported brown water in the tap.... so panic starts, rang south west water who were about as helpful as a chocolate teapot and told me to run the tap until it cleared...bearing in mind we are on a water meter and she said it could take hours and ring back after a couple of hours if not cleared and promptly asked if there was anything else she could help me which point I swallowed the unkind words my brain was yelling at me to say and smiled sweetly.....cough cough... Then after we saw the tap was running clear the water was ok to make the little baby staying with us his much deserved bottles....
I then went through the work with Tim, whilst sorting Steve out for a late start at college as he was doing a few jobs for me before hand, then our guests reported a broken loo seat, so ran from house to Travis to get another one, ringing Andy on the way to see if he could change it for me when he got here as Pete is away today....forgot to get train ticket so went back out to get the train ticket for college, got back, got Andy to sort loo seat, made Geoff a cuppa, rendezvous with Tim to update on work...and forgot to get Geoff's money so back out in truck to bank to get money, meanwhile Steve ran over in jobs and needed a lift to the station,,, got back straight out again to the station...emailed a urgent list for a job to client, forgot dog food.....ahhh back to baileys to get dog and cat food and a chicken for tea tonight, forgetting that we actually had a meeting tonight and couldn't cook so had to go out again for pasties to leave for steve for tea....its now 1pm,,,, you with me so far... so went through more drawings with Tim before Pete got back to try to get ahead of work, as I was clearly of no use in the office today!!!!....Then just completed that was thinking of lunch but NO...mum rang and said uncle Chris and Shamus (a cousin from new zealand) that I have never met was about to turn up in 20 ins..... I was having a nightmare, my hair looked like it was scared of my head, I was covered in muck, my house hadn't been cleaned and prepared for such a guest and he was coming in 20 mins, so rushed up to the house, chucked everything lying about in drawers and holes, I don't think i will be finding them anytime soon,.... they arrived a little early, I had to present myself in a calm and collected way... I did look down and had odd flip flops on, so careful and discretely slipped them off, so not to appear to crazy woman.... had a nice chat and look around at my calm life.... they left at 3 as I had a meeting to get to..... I was about to shower when the client turned up at the office, I was still in a mess, and Andy was fixing the office floor so I had to bring them up to the house, by which time Pete was here to take over... By this time both my flip flops had disappeared so I was shoe less walking over the gravel, they said oohh doesnt that hurt, and with my best voice said oh no its ok I am used to it, (whilst bearing and gritting my teeth as the points of the gravel stuck well into my feet!!). They left at 4.40 and we still had 1140 pages of a document to read before 6pm meeting...NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.... quickly changed outer clothes and stuck hair to head in a bid to look at least sort of normal.. Steve rang, he needed collecting from the station and feeding before the meeting...Just about to go out of the door when our guests, (who are really lovely ) said they love it here and can they book for next year, which we would whilst trying to appear all calm, it got the better of me and I had to admit, I was under a little pressure, I had lost my phone and potentially my marbles to day and really needed to get Steve from the station and feed him before the meeting which we hadn't prepared for, so slipped on my two unmatching shoes and left for the station and I will see them tomorrow when my life has regained some calmness???!!... Got Steve, found phone, text back Laura, fed Pete and Steve and jumped in car to meeting, which was filled with words, that made my brain scramble. I felt like I was in a weird kind of place where all around me were talking in riddles, so a quick talk to myself regained composure,, and I think we just about pulled it off...I thought I would just update you before I have a much needed bath... How was your day???
Imust go and have a LAY D0WN now after reading that!!!
what a day....that is not good for the system..
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