Monday, 9 April 2012


After returning from uni one day Laura ended up helping me the next and had a ride in the back of the trailer going up to move some heavy objects! we thought we would seed the fields along the way so as we were moving laura was chucking out the seed, we must have looked a right pair!! Then I stopped but moved quickly again and all I saw was a pair of legs in the back trailer sticking out of a bucket of grass seed, it was so funny, I wish I had it on tape I could have made a fortune. You know when you don't want anyone to see the pickle you were in, well we looked up and there were the two tilers that are staying here at the mo to get the tiling done on the ground floor...they were in stitches....nice one Laura, you made their day eh! Then to top it off when we tried to move the log seat at the other end, Laura went flying and was pickled top to toe in stinging nettle stings, picture above is just her arm it was all over!!, she was running around like a looney and I was running after her with doc leaves trying to rub it better....My sides were hurting with laughing so much that day!!

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