Monday, 27 February 2012


Great to see the plants starting to shoot and the daffodils out in full bloom, although it is still early. The camilia on the front flower bed is looking fantastic at the moment. Its weird here, until you live here you can't image how beautiful it is to see nature at its best and the peacefulness of Woodmill. It makes you appreciate the sometimes hard winters with the animal feeds and frozen feed water when you see the start of the spring. All the people that have lived here seem to have had a special bond with Woodmill and we have met a fair few of them and the grand daughters who used to play here as children, one lady who was the grand daughter is now 74 and still has a special place in her heart for Woodmill, so its kind of nice to have been and still be part of the story really. We are only custodians of the old buildings and enjoy them  and their quirkiness!!

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