Tuesday, 13 September 2011


Laura popped home from uni this weekend...I know she has just gone!...But it was Aarons birthday so she came home, no sooner did her feet hit the floor I slipped a pair of wellies on 'em! And asked for a couple of hours to help lift the panels of the cycle and book store. They are sooooo heavy I cant believe we managed really Ant, Andy me and Laura.....luckily Pete nipped home in between meetings and I grabbed him for one of them and then he had about 20mins so he helped us lift them back in position down on the new slab....then ran up to the house changed again and off to the next meeting, I felt bad that he didn't eat or anything but that feeling soon went !!!He had gurnard at a posh restaurant at his meeting, St Moritz the one Pete designed, well their restaurant is newly open so they had a starter with the meeting...So yeap all feeling bad went real quick!!! You can see how well it fits in in the field, looks good I think, but its weird looking at the hole it has left!! this is where the carport etc is going with the PVs.

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