Sunday, 14 November 2010


We are currently adding a forth bedroom at the back of the house and some Muppet who did our felt and batten for us, decided to do it like wrapping a present instead of correctly, so in all this torrential rain we have had leak after leak, sometimes more like rivers int he house, we have buckets everywhere...But lucky for us Tom a friend of ours is able to come Monday to redo it and slate it to make us water tight. We also have another nightmare the whole roof has to come off to be re slated so looks like that will be happening between Xmas and new year or something! yippee dooo! Can it get any better!.... So we have been working flat out on the extension.....Purl Design is also really busy so we are really trying to hold it all together in the hope of having Christmas day off! I was told to cut my stress and hours by the doc....I am hoping this will happen after xmas a bit! On and off poorly at the mo, depends on which day and whether my body wants to do what my brain is telling it!...I think I do quite well though I keep on going, bit like a Duracell battery advert eh! I try to get some photos of extension when I have a minute and the rain stops, but currently I am catching water in buckets or wading through mud in the field....Oh my glamorous life!

1 comment:

jean said...

it will get better soon!!!