Monday, 21 June 2010


It was about 12.30am and I was awoke by a rumbling in the paddocks. At first I thought the ponies had got out. But then I heard the metal bit being pushed, I ran down in my White dressing gown if anyone saw wasn't a ghost ..just me!...and went running bare foot to the chicken house and I could hear a pig grunting noise from inside.... I picked up a solar power light to see more clearly and saw that it was a badger. I knew they were not a force to be reckoned with, by that time Pete had arrived and took the weapon in question from me!!! The solar power plastic light!!! Yeap we are real heavy weights eh!...The badger flew out from the shed half frightening me to death...good job my heart monitor wasn't connected!!! We chased him off but were left with a carnage of 3 chickens, if we hadn't got there when we did we would have lost the lot.... I used to like badgers but they are the thugs of the natural world not at all to be liked I am afraid! The only day we didnt shut the door quite right too....cant believe it, we were dealing with Dixie as she as due to give birth this week.

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