Sunday, 7 February 2010


After Me and Geoff and then me and tractor Annie, pain stakingly moved what seemed like a hundred ton of wood chippings the mound looks quite good now. A trip to the sale at the garden centre to get some shrubs, I spent a fortune and when I planed them it hardly touched the mound...hopefully they will grow quick!!! As I haven't any money left for more!!...After it was planted we sat down to admire our handy work in a sort of knackered hanging on a chair fashion as only Auntie Lou can carry off to perfection...almost as good as her shoelace moment...which has graduated into a stone in the welly moment...well change is as good as a rest I guess!!!... But we or rather Geoff had to run an electric fence around it as Shadow and the badger decided to dig up the plants we painstakingly planted...Hey Shadow and the badger....another name for a group maybe!! Should write a book of names!

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