Thursday, 22 October 2009


Tills seems to be getting better, but she is still not quite right, and Spring seems to have sweet itch, I am not sure what to do about it though. I did buy cream but doesn't seem to help. The farrier said wait until its cooler and see if it goes, but I think I might have to get someone to look at it, she might have to wear a coat next year!!!...I hope its not anything worse?(like a hat...not sorry that was a bad joke) Duke ...well he's got a small lump on his cheek which we are watching at present. Its never dull when you have rescue animals... or animals full stop really. The ducks have stopped laying as the temperature has dropped, the chickens aren't too productive either ....The Kune Kunes are still in the summer paddock but we will move them probably next week. Buzz is one year old in November...I wonder if he will mate with the girls or whether he wants to keep it as just friends....we are happy either way really. Smudge has hurt her leg and on antibiotics.... I think thats it for today...just a regular day really!!

Tilleys got a thing for the camera at the moment she thinks shes a star, just because she was filmed the other day, I'll have to let you know when its on TV.

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