Thursday, 13 August 2009


Just a little update on our trip to the USA…..

After a grueling 9 days we are back in the UK. The heat was a little hotter than we are used to! It was 98 degrees most days with a humidity of sometimes 92%. It was difficult to concentrate for 5 hours plus 3 hours practice, but Steven did really well.

With 38 different countries gaining a place in the World Championships, we made a few good contacts for the future and a few friends in different places. The first two days were practice rounds played with two American in which Steven played well with good scores and the competition had a good feel to it, even though at one point we were evacuated from the course due to a thunder and lightening storm with 46 direct hits in Pinehurst area alone! I gathered we were lucky as some of the neighbouring towns were flash flooded. The third day was the first day of the competition and the heat was intense, as was the threat of more storms, I think the nerves/heat got to Steve as the first 3 holes is where he dropped the shots, the next 14 holes he played to par, so a good score, but he was cross that the first few holes didn’t reflect how he can play. (Although saying that most golfers would have been proud and very happy with his results…but Steve was there to win and nothing less would do!!!). The second day was exactly the same, and frustration set in, (although we thought he did well), along with another evacuation and we had to wait till late into the night for the next tee times. When they came we fast realized to get a practice in we had to be there at the course at 5.45am which was a 4.30 am wake up!

The last day Steve played to his usual high standard, and came in with a level gross score of 72, a pro would have been pleased, but Steve still harped on about the two shots he felt were wasted when he missed a hole in one by inches and another birdie shot by less!... So to finish the competition playing to scratch was fantastic, the other competitors have personal trainers, psychological coaches, golf coaches, mentors and have had more than one shot at this level, to date it is a different world to ours! There isn’t much between Steve and the others which is a good feeling, he is as capable as the top few, its just how it goes on the day. But to do what he did for the UK and Cornwall he should be very proud. He didn’t win but not too far off doing so another time, it’s just how it goes on the day hopefully onwards and upward…Tiger Woods here we come!!!!

Thankyou so much for your support and thoughts, we much appreciated it.


jean said...

steven that was brilliant playing at that level representing the UK and Cornwall in the world cup in North carolina you did yourself very proud. well done

steve said...

Congratulations to steve on playing so well - glad to hear you had a good trip.

Myrna & Keith x x

Unknown said...

Hi Myrna & Keith, hey I am impressed you figured out how to leave a comment thanks:)

Yeap, all back safe and sound, off to Celtic Manor on the Ryder Cup course from Wed - Sat to compete in the final of the British Junior Tour Comp and Kisby Cup! Hope you are all ok and that Myrna is still cooking those cup cakes for your grandson and footy!
Take care, Michelle XX