Challenge Complete!!, we sold most of our land and Farm House! Enabling us to concentrate on Purl Design LLP - Sustainable Architecture and allow our guests to enjoy the peaceful retreat here at The Mill Cottages in either of our one bed cottages, along with our resident pets, ponies, chickens, goats, cats and dogs! We have spent the last year renovating the 400 year old mill for us to live in, completed late 2012 and love every minute!!!... We are looking forward to another successful year.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
I couldn't believe it!... Laura said be ready at 4.45 we are going out, so changed quick smart!...Wellies off, washed and out we went. She said we would have to walk to where we were going so I thought perhaps we were going to The Royal for tea???...But then after a while I saw a limo parked up....if I knew that I would have wore my ball gown!!!!...She had organised with Pete and my mum and dad to take me to the panto in Plymouth in a stretched limo with food on board!! How cool is that, never been in a limo, let alone a stretched one....there was a small problem... there were balloons inside that said 40...I can't be that old, I was only 28 the last time I looked!... The panto was soo funny and Louise bought these sunglasses that had lights and they were the toy of the evening!... It was a great thankyou Laura for organising that...didn't guess that one!!!!...How the other half live eh!..mind you I am an author now too, so does that make a difference!!!!Celebrity ZZZZZZ list??? Actually I prefer to be a Woodmill 'A' lister!!!
Friday, 23 January 2009
After Lucky's nasty accident last summer, we were advised that she probably shouldn't have any puppies and to get her done 3 months after her next season. We waited for ages for her season to happen, and true to form Lucky, decided it was our busiest time Xmas and New year....She escaped and met with Buck... Buck is a pedigree Springer (which is lucky as he could have been a poodle!)...and lives next door, hes such a lovely chappie, so friendly and happy. He didn't seem to do anything to lucky, they just played and it was lovely to see all the dogs playing as we built the cottage, Poppy (Andy's dog) was here too. But then Buck and Lucky did the deed....and now she may be having puppies. Buck visits her quite regularly and comes over for a cuddle, I am not sure what next door thinks, but we love him...I never thought I would have to drive Lucky's boyfriend home!!! We had to take him home last night as he just wouldn't go on his own and they must have been worried about him, so put him in the front of our car and took him home to bed. I think he would have stayed all night if we let him!!....SO watch this would be cute to see puppies, but don't want to loose Lucky, so we will have to monitor her closely.....then we are going to definitely have her done! In the picture above Buck looks quite pleased with himself with that grin doesn't he!!!!
At the top of the first finished gable Andy has made a cute little home for any little bird that wants it, it looks great, and the stonework is fantastic,really pleased with that,it looks like the cottage has been built for years, we have used all the original stone found here at Woodmill. Its been raining and cold this week and Andy and Ant have both not been too well, so thanks guys for keeping going, really appreciate it.
This is our progress so far, for those of you that are following this build, its taking shape now and I am just hoping we can clear the car park area away in time for the first guests!...I sure we will, we love a challenge... There is still so much to do, and so little time, nothing new there then eh!...We have Andy and Ant doing this build with us helping out every hour possible, Alan Harris our electrician is on form at the mo and will be second fixing, first week in Feb...well he better be!!!...Then our plumber Richard Allen, who is skiving on a ski holiday at the mo, but he will be returning first week in Feb to sort us out!..And a great find, courtesy of Jeff, who helps us with our gardening once a week....his son in law Nigel is a painter and decorator, so we have nabbed him too!!!...Having a bit of a problem with drying out the walls for the next coat of paint,as it is just too cold at the moment....But he is helping too, and us...well we are trying too fit the kitchen!!!so it is all hands definitely on deck to get this baby finished!
Cottage isn't finished by a long shot, but the sign is up!...makes me feel like we are getting somewhere....mind you it has only taken 3 months so far, a full on 3 months of gruelling timescales and work rate, but nevertheless, it is only 3 months!!!! So Little Toms Cottage is now well on the way to being here. Tom (our hand reared miniature Shetland would have been very pleased to see this cottage, shame he lost his fight at 14 months....miss ya Tom XX)
We have some little homes for our birds, they appeared as if by magic....(Thanks dad!), one on the garage, one on the feed store and a robin box in the garden, they should be very comfortable now!...Dad alias JC housing was on a roll I think, they look great, hey he could put a 'vacant sign' on the front...mind you the council would have us for providing affordable housing!!!! Sorry...but cant seem to get permission for those for love nor money!
Friday, 16 January 2009
Once we had established that Bubs and Buzz would get on and snuggle up, we thought it was a good idea to move them both to the lunge ring where, they would have their own safe paddock and a cute little house that we had built for the Kune Kunes originally...before relocating them to pastures new.
SO set about moving Bubs, she isn't easy to move as she is so loving but as soon as she is out of her comfort zone ie her pen, she is quite skittish!... I put some food in front of her nose and all was going well until I got to the first gate and she seemed afraid of the gate? weird is that? She bolted back to the safety of her home. I tried again, this time with a rope, but this was worse, she panicked and slipped the rope and went home. I was beginning to run out of ideas, so thought I would try again by herding her down the paddocks. Well she was running ok and then just through the first gate she took a sharp left turn and accelerated right into the goat fence, she was balancing on the round end bit of her nose with legs in the air, it all happened in slow motion, I tried to save the fall, but she crashed to the floor smashing the oat fence to smithereens, So what now??? The goats were able to escape now?.,..Had to ensure Bubs was ok, she was, shaken a bit but ok. I had to then get her back out of the goat paddock. This is a very very long story so quick version, I calmed her down and put the bucket to her nose whilst stroking her behind the ears and talking to her, I finally after hours and hours, managed to get her to and in the lunge ring, whilst Pete repaired the fence to the goats. Buzz was carried down next with ease!...and they were re homed together and happy at last in the lunge ring. Crumbs ad its only 11.30am!!!
Tractor Annie came to help for the day and we mucked out and did all the rubbish jobs all day. Then Doug rang to ask if we had a sofa for cottage 6, as he had seen one that was reasonable. I had ordered a brand new one, but just in case this was the deal of the century, we raced over to Bodmin, wellies,muck and all! Nipped in, told Auntie Louise to try out the chair. She sat in it and all was fine until she found the recline button, and it was like something out of a comedy, She shot back and these two great green wellies 3 sizes too big for her appeared, she couldn't stop laughing and I thought we were going to get kicked out, we looked a right pair of reprobates!...I think the straw that broke the camels back was when the assistant asked if he could help.....I tried to regain normality and a percentage of professionalism...mmm wellies, muck and laughter....didn't really go well...anyway I asked if they had banana leaf furniture as I was looking for a 2 seat sofa in this. He looked at me quizzically, and asked if that was a yellow sofa?....well that was it Louise just fell about and we had to stumble to the door with laughter...Yellow? he mad...does he sell furniture???Not sure we will be going back there, and I am more than happy with my order of a new sofa!
The weather had broken, well the worst if it anyhow...only 0 degrees now!...So thought it was time to make sure Buzz remembered how to be a pig! He belongs outside, he has several houses to choose from, just not this one! We thought Bubs (Our Saddleback) would like some company. Rosie and Daisy are alot older than she is so they tend to pick on her a bit, especially since her knight in shining armour has sadly departed (Oscar, our Welsh Boar). So I gingerly introduced Buzz to Bubs once again. They seemed to connect this time and I left them there for the day to see what would happen, checking them every few hours (well minutes ...if I am honest!...didn't get anything done at all that day!) But Buzz and Bubs cuddled up and slept together, it was really cute to see as Buzz is so small next to Bubs. I took a picture on my phone ...just for the record!!
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Pete thinks he has a new baby, I found him taking his coffee break in the front garden with someone on a lead??????....Oh this doesn't bode well. I then caught him in the office with Buzz on his lap whilst he was drawing up plans!...I asked what was he doing, he replied.....Buzz was shouting to be picked up and cuddled, and he looked so cold!....As soon as Pete picks him up he goes to sleep and cuddles right in....
I REALLY CANT HAVE A PIG INSIDE....someone help!... But I guess it is cold...and he is cute...
The weather is biting cold, went down to feed Buzz and he had blue ears and was shaking. One night that's all he was down there for and in mountains of straw!....But couldn't bear it, took him straight up in front the Rayburn and cuddled him until he was warmer and then remade a bed in the office where he would be warm. He slept most of the day, he was exhausted with the cold I think. Later in the afternoon the temperature reached 0 degrees and the sun was out. So put Buzz on a lead ...yeas you heard that right...a lead...and walked him around the garden, he didn't like the restriction much. At one point he jumped up and did a 360 in mid air. But when he was allowed to go in the exact direction he wished, all was fine. He lasted 15 mins and again got soo cold, so in again where he slept for the night and breakfasted in the morning!.....OH MY...what have we done?????
It was cold this morning, all the water pipes had frozen, no feeds to any of the animals. Ponies looked freezing even though they have a nice fluffy coat. Spent most of the morning breaking the ice on buckets so the animals could drink, then again after lunch as they had frozen again in only 2 hours. Seem to spend my day delivering water and cuddles to the clan. Dad came out to help and picked up the pony poo!!!! Glutton for punishment, but helpful.... I cleaned Duke out as he is still stabled at present...well at night anyhow. He still isn't right, might just be old age, the farrier will be here tomorrow, maybe he will have some words of wisdom?
You remember I was telling you about Pixie and Buzz in the lunge ring....well after we had rescued Buzz, we left Pixie in there until the morning. Thinking that if she was alone all night she may be grateful of Buzz returning in the morning.....NO SUCH LUCK. Went down to feed everyone in the morning and Pixie was nowhere to be seen. Pete looked in the house and around the 'round ring', he thought he had gone crackers, the gate was locked the fence was high, so she must be in there, or stolen???? He rushed up to see the others and wasn't sure what was going to greet him,...if anything..... and there out of the woods strolled Pixie, a very pleased to see him Pixie, she must have somehow clambered or flew?!! over the fence to get back to her family. That was lucky, 1, that she didn't get to the road and 2, get hurt on her adventure. I should have known, as she is so close to the others, they have never been split up.....what a start to the morning!
Sunday, 4 January 2009
It was like the morning after the night before if you get what I am saying. We awoke to find a perfect little pig in the kitchen all cute and warm.......then it woke up!... We fed it breakfast and though ...yeah we can do another night with him in... until he pooed and weed like you wouldn't believe, everywhere, upset his water, ran the straw everywhere... It was at this precise moment I had a brain wave and it had to happen today.... He was going to live with the others...but in a very safe way, we were going to build a purpose made house with a little paddock so he will feel safe and secure but can talk and see to the others. Whizzed down to Baileys ordered the wood, they looked at me like I was change there then.....luckily for me they know I always need stuff immediately and usually are able to oblige...they are soo good to us like that....The wood arrived, Laura and I whacked the posts in and then Dad brought back the car he had he wished he hadn't....cos he stayed for the rest of the day helping us...poor guy...he'll learn, phone first to make sure nothing is happening then come out here when we are out or asleep, that way you'll have an easy life!!!!Anyway we worked hard and us three built a house for Buzz and fenced in a paddock for him to be relocated to.....My kitchen will be clean once more!!!That's all the motivation I needed......we just made it before sun down....but Buzz loved it.
When Buzz got into the cat basket by the Aga, we knew it was time he hit the to speak... SO we put the little fella to bed in his crate, he still wanted to be up and burn the midnight oil, but he needed to sleep, he made one little gesture of discontentment at being told it was bed time, but then nestled under the straw and went straight to sleep, we all crept out of the kitchen and were afraid to go back in in case we woke him up. It was like having a new born baby in there, very cute but very stressful!....
Buzz took to being inside like a kid to candy. He loved it, so I took a moment to text everyone I knew to tell them we had a pig in the kitchen and sent a little photo....well you need time to think don't ya!......It fast became apparent that Buzz would need a comfy bed for the night as he tried out Lucky's bed and she wasn't that impressed with having a pig in her bed. So we brought up the large dog crate and filled it with straw for when he needed to go to bed. But with all the attention he was getting, that would probably be a long way off!.... he joined us for our evening meal and Pete lay with him on the floor in front he aga....he reckoned in case Buzz was lonely...I just think Pete is well and truly cracked!... Mum, Dad, Louise,Adam and us lot were just in the kitchen/conservatory mesmerised by the little fellow....So cute and just wish he would stay that small!
Before we let Buzz into the lunge ring, we relocated Pixie of our sows to be with him for company beings as he was soooo small, we ran her up the paddocks and into the old Kune Kune enclosure. She seemed to go up there fine but wasn't really impressed that the others weren't following. Anyway Buzz was released and for a few hours he followed her like a shadow and she seemed to be OK. It was desperately cold and a biting wind was worrying me with Buzz being just a baby. Eventually after a hour or so Pixie went in the house, Buzz followed and I breathed a sigh of relief. They would be cuddling up together to keep warm in the straw. I turned my back, just for a moment and heard the most almighty screech. I jumped and nearly cleared the fence, and I was in there as quick as a flash. Pixie had lifted Buzz up with her nose...not hurt him at all, but threw him in no uncertain terms out of the house. He was out in the cold......That was it I couldn't risk anything else...I whipped him up in my arms and took him into the house...until I could hatch a plan!......So Buzz was in the kitchen, what was I going to do?????....That sounds like a 1980's song some how!
Pete wanted a spotty boar to breed from and hey presto here he is. Not sure if Pete understands that Buzz cant help his face being that way, he is not pulling a face as way of communication, its just his normal pose...(and a very beautiful Kune Kune he is too).......So not sure Buzz would have really got much out of the scrunchy face pulling from Pete?... Or maybe I am missing something, could it be a new way of meet and great a male thing??????
Sorry this could be over kill on the Buzz front, He is the most sweetest cutest thing I have ever seen. He cuddles you like a real baby. I introduced him to Spring and Storm, they had a little kiss and Storm got a bit excited and started to jump around with glee. Duke the grandad of the family wasn't going to show too much emotion...He was cooler than that. But I think he did really like him, just pretended to be indifferent!..And Tilley true to form sort of hovered in the background, in a sort of will she wont she pose....But seeings as Buzz would be living in the purpose made conversion of the lunge ring, they had to get to know each other, as they would be sharing the odd glance over the pig/pony table for breakfast!
We were waiting on the nod for us to collect our baby ...soon to be boar for our Kune Kunes. Barbara agreed that Buzz was ready to leave his mum, and Laura and I didnt need a moment to agree to collect him. Jumped in the truck, filled the back with straw to make him comfortable for the journey and off we went.....actually we did stop for a Macy-D on the way, but it was a drive through and we were quick!!!!
Well hello there, and a very welcome back to the madness at Woodmill, we haven't spoke since last year!... Ok so you must have heard that a thousand times. But Happy New Year, hope this year will be your year...oh and ours of course! We had a wonderful New Years Eve with Mum,Dad, Tractor Annie and Doug, Laura, Adam, Me, Pete and Steven plus several hundred animals!.. Saw the new year in with laughter and laughed the old one out! So here goes...another year at Woodmill, wonder what this year will bring....
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